ETH Liquidity Staking
Liberland offers LLD rewards for staking Uniswap V2 ETH-LLD Liquidity Pool tokens. This rewards holding LLD and strengthening the trading liquidity pool on decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap. The rewards for doing this are similar for staking the equivalent value on the Liberland blockchain itself which is currently around 15-20% APY, but it dynamically reacts to staked amount, and LLD to ETH ratio. The maximum inflation for the total supply is capped at 10% a year, with commitments to reduce it as time goes on.
You can directly stake your ETH, LLD and LP tokens at,
After staking, you can gradually earn rewards in LLD which can be claimed at any time. On ETH LP staking, you can withdraw your LP tokens at any time. The risk you are taking on is the same risk as when providing any liquidity pool. You allow people to trade against both your LLD and ETH, earning trading fees and LLD as people trade and time goes on.
The staking contract is a standard, audited StakeERC20 contract from Thirdweb. This same contract is audited and used in many other projects. The contract does not own your LP tokens which you can withdraw at any time, but there is a risk that 'reward LLDs' run out without the team remembering to refill them. You can see all the contract stats including reward pool LLDs on the contract itself or in the Liberland dApp
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