Resync node

Resyncing node

To resync your Liberland Node, you need to:

  1. If you're a validator and the chain is live and not stalled:

    1. Stop validating using Liberland dApp or Polkadot.js Apps

    2. Make sure your node is not in the active validator set

  2. stop the node

  3. remove the directory containing Liberland Node Database (chains/mainnet/db)

  4. restart the node

  5. wait until it resyncs

Node data directory structure is as follows:

└── mainnet
    ├── db
    ├── keystore
    └── network

DO NOT remove keystore or network directories. Only remove the db directory.

For a detailed guide, please choose the proper instruction according to the method used to install the node:

Automated script installs

If your node is a validator and the chain is live and not stalled:

  1. Stop validating using Liberland dApp or Polkadot.js Apps

  2. Make sure your node is not in the active validator set

When your node is no longer a validator, or the chain is currently stalled, run the following commands on your server:

systemctl stop liberland-validator
rm -rf /opt/liberland/data/chains/mainnet/db
systemctl start liberland-validator

Docker installs

If your node is a validator and the chain is live and not stalled:

  1. Stop validating using Liberland dApp or Polkadot.js Apps

  2. Make sure your node is not in the active validator set

When your node is no longer a validator, or the chain is currently stalled, run the following commands on your server:

docker stop liberland
rm -rf $HOME/liberland_data/chains/mainnet/db
docker start liberland

If you run it in a custom way, and not with the Complete example of running a validator on mainnet guide, adjust the container name and DB path accordingly.

Last updated